OK, now that we have installed the internal components to our new computer, let's make one last check to make sure that all of the connections are made, the cables and ribbons are on tight, that the cards are snug in their slots, and that power supply is attached to everything. If we're set, let's put the cover back on the case (do not screw it down just yet) and plug in our new case. Make sure that you have the monitor, mouse and keyboard attached properly to the appropriate I/O ports.Make sure that the power source switch is in the "on"position Now, cross your fingers and press the power button on the front of your computer.
If things come to life, front panel lights flash, and you hear one "beep". You are in business. If you do not, do not fret. A normally starting first-built computer is the exception, not the rule. You'll need to troubleshoot the problems (LED case connectors on backwards, RAM not seated all the way, IDE ribbons not fully seated, "master" / "slave" settings not right). It would be wise to take a breather and return later to troubleshoot. Frustration will do in a computer faster than anything. Work backwards and make sure that all of your settings are correct. Then try again. Sooner or later that puppy will fire up!
Once it does, look on the screen for the POST test. It will tell you what amount of RAM your computer recognizes, the devices it sees, and other things. Turn off your computer and reboot. This time press the delete key to enter the CMOS settings of the CPU and motherboard.
Setting Up the CMOS
If you want to set the basics in the CMOS, this is the time to do it. The CMOS is a DOS looking screen that has many configurable parts to it. If you use the Up and Down arrow keys, you can highlight a specific section, then hit "enter" to access that area. The two areas you need to make sure are configured are Hardware (Hard Drive) Auto-Detection and the Boot -Up Order.
Find the entry for Hardware Detection, hit enter and use the page up and down to scroll through the choices. When you get to Auto-detect, hit "enter" to select and escape to move out of the screen. Next, find the section for the boot-up order. Hit "enter" to select that area and use the up and down arrow key to select the "first boot device". Hit enter and use the page up or down key to scroll through the choices. Find CD-ROM and hit "enter". Next, use the arrow keys to go to the "second boot device". Hit enter and use the page up or down key to select "floppy drive". Hit enter to select. Next, use the arrow keys to go to the "third boot device". Hit enter and use the page up or down key to select "HD-0". Hit enter to accept. Use the escape key to get to the very first screen then select "Exit and Save" (usually F-10 key).
If, for any reason you do not think you correctly configured the CMOS, simply exit without saving and try again. Check your motherboard manual for further instructions on configurations of the CMOS.
Place your operating system install CD in the CD ROM (or CD-RW, or DVD-ROM) and re-boot. If all is well, you'll hear the hard drive whine as it boots-up and the CD drive light flashing on. You should see the set-up screen for installing your system. If not, return to the CMOS settings and try again. If the hard drive and CD drives do not appear to be working, check all of your connections (internally) again. Plugs, connections, settings, etc. Also check to make sure that the fan on your CPU is turning. If it is, that will tell you that, at least, you are getting power to your motherboard.
If all is well, let's move to installing your operating system and software.....