A Personal Note: I have XP SP2 and haven't used (or turned-on) Windows Update for over a year. I rely on my firewall, anti-virus, anti-malware for security. They all work in real-time. I also never use Internet Explorer. Alan
Whatever you prefer is what you should use, Alan!! For me, I've 'sworn by' Microsoft from 'day one'!! I posted this message years ago on the old TMF:
The "Bash Microsoft" Syndrome...
I am astounded by the amount of criticism Microsoft and MSN receive from disgruntled computer users.For an organization totally committed to providing leading-edge software innovation and one which provides so much FREE software and support, it is amazing to me that there is little appreciation and loyalty shown by the beneficiaries.
The very people and organizations (including the United States Justice Department) who are quick to criticize and even prosecute Microsoft could not even operate without Microsoft's software.How many of them, do you suppose, are using Apple or Linux operatingsystems?Let's face it -- without Microsoft we computer users would be "up the creek without a paddle".I, for one, have sworn by Microsoft since the early days of MS DOS when Bill Gates & Paul Allen showed "Big Blue" the way.
So when we download the latest version (free) of Internet Explorer and find a few "bugs" or MSN introduces updated software with a few problems, can't we realize that progress usually entails steady refinement?Who's perfect??My computers are working better than ever before -- THANK YOU, Microsoft!!
My belief on using an operating system is that the user should use whatever system they want......... for whatever the reason. If it suits their needs and they are comfortable with it, then no one else should criticize their choice.
Since the computing world is so big, there is plenty of room for all tastes. Consider it like a big tree with many branches. I play on one branch, you play on another. We are still in the same tree. Just because I use Linux exclusively, doesn't mean that I do not rejoice in the use of Windows, OSX, BSD, or BEOS. I get excited with the release of new systems and software no matter where it comes from.
Embracing our differences (no matter what OS you use) only makes us all stronger.
Beetle, I would start by saying XP is light-years from Windows 95 (although my 1st Windows machine had 95b and was quite stable).
If I could play devil's advocate for a moment...there is the perception by many that money can buy you out of anything. (as in O.J.) And with this perception there is naturally distrust.
The other side of the coin is free open-source software. There is nothing to hide.
Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet, Till Earth and Sky stand presently at God's great Judgment Seat; But there is neither East nor West, Border, nor Breed, nor Birth, When two strong men stand face to face, tho' they come from the ends of the earth! Rudyard Kipling