I know that this doesn't really fit on this forum, but this guy was the News Anchor icon of all time.
Cronkite became best known on CBS News during the 1960s when he established the prominent role of the television news anchorman for the network's newly expanded evening news program.
"Walter Cronkite was and always will be the gold standard," said Charles Gibson, anchorman of ABC News' "World News." "His objectivity, his even-handedness, his news judgment are all great examples. He, as much as anyone, is responsible for developing network television news. He set the standard. He told it 'the way it is' and all of us who are privileged to work in this business owe him an enormous debt of gratitude."
Cronkite was held in such esteem that his name became synonymous with "news anchor" around the world. In Sweden, anchors are known as Kronkiters, and in Holland they are Cronkiters.
Cronkite's clout at his peak was illustrated by President Lyndon Johnson's dismay when Cronkite returned from a trip to Vietnam in 1968 and reported that the U.S. was losing the war.
"If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost middle America," a rattled LBJ was reported to have said.