Sunnyvale, Calif. – July 14, 2009 – Millions of email viruses bypassed major anti-virus engines during the second half of the second quarter, according to the Q2 2009 Internet Threat Trends Report by Commtouch® (Nasdaq: CTCH). Several successive and massive malware outbreaks caused a spike in malware that was undetected by major AV engines, compared to the consistently low quantities of malware that had been distributed via email during the previous 18 months.
Commtouch’s quarterly trend report is based on the analysis of over two billion email messages and Internet transactions daily in the Company’s cloud-based global detection centers.
In its report, Commtouch never identifies which antivirus engines failed to intercept the new trojan variants -- all references are within Commtouch. If they're going to indite the major antivirus suppliers, shouldn't they identify them??? Looks to me like a self-serving promotion of Commtouch by Commtouch!