Yeah -- Eddie is probably the most prolific computer builder I've known with you running a close second!! I've never scratch built a computer but have been considering it for my Windows 7 machine. BillP has given some good information here to consider when putting together a Windows 7 computer.
Building a computer is not hard, it just takes some practice and patience. I love doing it. You can pick and choose whatever hardware you want and create exactly what you want. There is nothing better than the feeling of accomplishment when you press the power button and it springs to life!
I think the commenter (W Barnes) is comparing 'apples to oranges' & is just on an ego trip!! His comment: W_Barnes42September 9, 2009 10:41amThere is an old adage: "Engage brain before opening mouth". In this case it's "Do your research before publishing a column". - There is already an existing program called the Community Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Program and you can read about it here: 'Community Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher Program' is entirely different from what John Dvorak is talking about!! (Barnes is just 'honking his horn!!!!')