The recent flood of news about new 3D TVs, itself spurred by the hype surrounding the 3D release of Avatar, has raised a few questions. At CNET, one of our main jobs is to explain "new" technology, so this article, arranged in the tried-but-true manner of "Frequently Asked Questions," attempts to answer them as well as we can at this early stage.
We polled the six major TV makers who announced new 3D models--LG, Panasonic, Samsung, Sony, Toshiba, and Vizio--to help with some answers. Although many of the questions came back "we'll get back to you on that," we did learn something. With asking the manufacturers, and some judicious trolling of Web resources (special thanks to AVS forum and the friendly folks at EngadgetHD), we came up with the following. It will be updated and expanded as--inevitably--parts are proven wrong or we're actually given some hard information; however, in the meantime feel free to leave a comment. Or at least vote in the poll.