First, there was AntennaGate. Now there’s GlassGate.
According to a report by Ryan Block of gdgt (guess who’s not on Steve Jobs’ Christmas card list this this?), the back of the iPhone 4 has a good chance of cracking when put into a case.
Now, we all know why the front of the iPhone is made of glass. It’s so you can see and interact with the interface. But, apparently the designers at Apple also decided to make the back side of the iPhone out of glass.
What kind of moron puts glass on both sides of a portable device?
Anyway, complete disbelief aside, Block reports that Apple has refused to allow aftermarket case suppliers to sell cases where the phone slides in for protection.
In an interesting bit of reportage, Block makes a case for why Apple wouldn’t normally do this. Apparently, Apple gets a cut (actually a double-cut) of cases that use the iPhone name and are distributed through Apple channels. So, Block reasons, Apple wouldn’t have an economic incentive to block distribution — in fact, it’s to Apple’s interest to let the aftermarket sell the cases.