Since its launch in early April, the iPad has only received minor bugfix updates while the iPhone and iPad touch got a major update with iOS 4 in June. Apple promised to bring the iPad up to par with its smaller brethren in November and all signs point towards the release of iOS 4.2 for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch this week. For the iPad, this update introduces a number of major new features, including multitasking, folders and a unified inbox for your email, as well as support for wireless printing and AirPlay.
Note: Apple has not officially released iOS 4.2 yet. While we were able to quickly find, download and install it, remember that the only official versions are hosted on Apple's servers and that you install these leaked files at your own risk.
Multitasking: The most important new feature for iPad users in iOS 4.2 is Apple's interpretation of multitasking. Just like on the iPhone and iPod touch, a double click on the home button brings up a bar at the bottom of the screen with the last few apps you used. This allows you to switch between apps without having to go to the home screen first. The iPhone's smaller screen displays the last four apps, the iPad displays six.
Also just like on the iPhone, swiping to the right on the multitasking panel brings up music controls. On the iPad, this menu now also includes the ability to set the screen brightness and volume. Apple turned the orientation toggle on the top right of the device into a mute switch, so this area of the multitasking bar now lets you lock your iPad into the desired orientation mode.