It was 4 years ago today that Windows Vista was released to manufacturing. Little did we know then that Vista would soon become a scar on Microsoft's record and would be quickly over shadowed by Windows 7 only a couple of years later.
While many will say that Vista is perfectly usable after SP1 was deployed, for many, the damage was already done. A clever campaign by Apple quickly soured Vista's image and the rest is history. But how did Microsoft announce the release of Vista 4 years ago, what did they have to say about the platform? Microsoft stated:
Release to manufacturing signifies the completion of our development work and the start of the next phase for Windows Vista. Windows Vista is the highest-quality version of Windows that we’ve ever produced. We’ve had more people test more builds than previous development cycles, and the result is that we received more feedback than ever before.
Whatever your thoughts may be on Vista, you cant ignore that it was the building block for Windows 7. And without Vista, we wouldn't have Windows 7, which is Microsoft's fastest selling OS in the company's history.