No, the site hasn't gone dark. It still functions and has millions of users. But then so does MySpace.
I used to be a very active Digg user -- as were many of my techno-journalist-pundit type friends. Five years ago, Digg was the future of content discovery. But now I don't personally know anyone who's still an active user. We've all moved on.
Now, it turns out, even one of the site's founders and former CEOs, Kevin Rose, barely uses Digg anymore.
In a devastating analysis this week, TechCrunch founder Michael Arrington exposed Rose's Digg usage. According to Arrington, Rose uses Digg less than once every four days or so. He hasn't submitted a story in more than a month. And he went more than three weeks in December without using Digg at all.
Arrington pointed out that Rose is 26 times more active on Twitter than on Digg, having tweeted 181 times in the past month.
Arrington's numbers have been called into question by blogger Taylor Buley, who says Rose is twice as active as claimed. In other words, he's only 14 times more active on Twitter than Digg.