One of the biggest releases of patches since October 2008 is due on Tuesday June 9.
Microsoft has confirmed it will deliver 10 security updates to patch some serious bugs in Windows, Internet Explorer, Word and Excel. Six of the ten were marked as "critical", Microsoft's highest threat ranking. Three of the updates are marked as "Moderate" and one marked as "Important".
This update will include the first ever production patch for IE8 since the release. Mac users will not receive any PowerPoint patches for this month, after heavily patching PowerPoint for Windows last month, stating it does not want to delay these patches any longer, so Mac users will have to do without.
I'll leave the computer online the night of June 08/09 and hopefully it'll be downloaded & ready to install when I wake up. Makes me glad I'm on Windows ME at the Lakehouse -- no slow download on the dial-up connection up there since ME is no longer supported by Windows Update!!