It’s about that time for me again: my desktop is a couple years part its prime and my laptop just died (no display, no hard drive activity, no wifi, and a recent history of turning off suddenly for no good reason – those are all bad signs, right?), which means the near future holds a new PC for me. Which means a blank slate on which to impose my computer-using will.
Setting up a new computer goes through five stages:
- Denial: I’ve got a new computer. Nothing can go wrong now! - Anger: No, I don’t want to subscribe to AOL. No, I don’t want Norton updates. No, I don’t want a 60-day trial of Office 2007. There are HOW MANY security updates?! - Bargaining: I’d do anything to be able to use this thing! - Depression: I’ve been uninstalling Norton components for 17 hours now. If I have to restart the PC one more time, I swear I’ll kill myself… All I want to do is update Twitter! - Acceptance: OK, let’s install some good stuff now!
Very interesting, Barney! My Norton Antivirus on the bedroom computer expires tomorrow unless I resubscribe for $49.95+ and that just isn't gonna happen! Was planning on downloading Avast but thinking I'll try Panda's Cloud Antivirus instead!