Apple Inc. expects to ship 10 million tablet computers in the device’s first year of release, former Google Inc. executive Lee Kai-fu wrote on his blog, citing a friend familiar with the project whom he didn’t name.
The Apple Tablet will be released by Apple Chief Executive Officer Steve Jobs next month and be sold for less than $1,000, according to the post dated Dec. 28. The device will feature a 10.1-inch multitouch screen with three-dimensional graphics and look like a large iPhone, Lee wrote.
The only money Apple ever got from me was from my daughter's iPod. And I don't see that changing in the future.
Sallie would agree, I'm sure!! Got this reply to an e-mail I sent her: Thanks for the thought - but - as is often the case - my Mac couldn't open it. You'll be interested to know that I'm going back to Windows! Maybe that's a first but here are a few of the reasons:
I've had my Apple for 3 years. In that time, they've had 3 OS - Tiger, Leopard & now Snow Leopard - each has to be bought. C'mon.... a writer for PC World put it very well - at Microsoft such updates are called 'Service Packs' - and they're free. MS brings out a new OS - every 5-7 years
I started with Tiger. A year later came Leopard - with a price tag of course. Later came 'Snow Leopard'. Every time they bring out a new OS - it disables a whole list of things - but not for all - just for some. Sort of like the flu - you never know where it's gonna hit. That happened to me when I unwisely upgraded to Leopard - or 'Leper', as I prefer to call it. On a Mac forum I belong to, one person says Snow Leopard is running smooth as silk on his Mac & another devotee has found several things - including his HP printer that Snow Leopard has messed with.
Apple is supposed to be great for graphic artists. Maybe I just knew Windows too well - I prefer my old software. (I usually use three or four together & even primitive Paint).
I liked the 'restore' feature in Windows. Didn't always work but it was darn helpful at times.
I don't like iPhoto - in fact - I despise it! (It's part of iWork BTW - I bought versions 5 & 6 at $70 a pop - and now 7 has come out - darned if I'll order IT; again - that's 3 versions in 3 yrs..
Apple costs WAY too much.
I think too many of its resources are expended on iPhone and iPod. (To be sure they're huge income generators).
That's enough for now - I'm sure I can think of other reasons - given time. The big PLUS for Apple is its freedom from viruses and spyware. It's why I changed over, actually - but since I got my first Windows puter in1997, I never had a virus. I hope I can manage as well in future.
^ She told me the same sort of things. I have to agree.... Mac equipment is both expensive and proprietary. If you are going to change versions of the OS, it will cost you. But actually, to be fair, Windows versions cost $$ as well as new versions of Office. The last version of Office was offered at $200+ for the student version and $400+ for the ultimate version of 2007.....