Apple released version 3.1.3 of the iPhone operating system (OS) on Tuesday, much to jailbreakers dismay. The update, which is available now via iTunes, fixes a number of known bugs, patches known security issues, and improves various iPhone features. However, despite the good news for the majority of regular iPhone owners, the upgrade has posed something of a problem for those who have taken the notorious jailbreaking route.
Popular jailbreaking tools Redsn0w, Blackra1n, and PwnageTool are currently not compatible with version 3.1.3. The jailbreaking community was quick to warn jailbreak users not to update to the most recent iPhone OS release, especially if your device is the 3G or 3GS model. This forewarning comes just one day after the Redsn0w tool received an upgrade that made it work with iPhone OS 3.1.2.