At MIX '10 Last March, Microsoft gave an impressive look at Xbox Live integration with the Windows Phone 7 platform. Today, it got even more impressive as Microsoft announced the upcoming lineup of more than 60 Xbox Live games on Windows Phone coming for the Holiday 2010 season.
"Windows Phone 7 is the launch of a major gaming platform for Microsoft," said Matt Booty, general manager of mobile gaming for MGS. "Just like we've done with Xbox 360, our charter is to push the envelope and deliver definitive games that maximize the platform. We will have an incredible lineup of MGS titles, and that's just the beginning."
In the Games Hub in Windows Phone 7, Xbox Live users will be able to view, access, and launch their games library; earn, view, and track achievements; customize their Xbox Live profile and avatar; shop in the Games Marketplace; and invite, connect and play live with other Windows Phone 7 devices or against PC users with turn-based multiplayer games.
The launch titles for Xbox Live on Windows Phone will be: