Reports about the demise of the Sony Walkman might be premature. Sony is only ceasing production of the 30-year-old portable music player in Japan, but it will still be available in the U.S.
The Los Angeles Timesspoke to a Sony spokesman about the issue, although the spokesman wanted to remain anonymous due to lack of authorization to speak on the topic.
According to the report, "the spokesman said there was 'a consistent but small demand' for the player. He said there were no plans to cut it from the U.S. market."
The Sony representative said he couldn't give any insight as to why production was being stopped on the device in Japan. But once the last batch of the player sell out in the country, that's it.
Sony sells the Walkman Weather Radio/Casette player, complete with National Weather service broadcasts for $29.99 on its site. Sony's description of the device says the Walkman can be used to "enjoy your old cassette collection." That is, if you haven't thrown them out or sold them on eBay with your eight-track player.