With iPhone joining the best wireless carrier in North America, and 4G LTE Android devices soon to follow, is RIM’s BlackBerry business due for some heavy turbulence?
So, it happened. Today, after years of speculation, Verizon Wireless finally got the iPhone.
A lot of armchair quarterbacking is occurring at the usual suspects, ZDNet included, with the natural follow-on questions. What will this do to AT&T? Can the Verizon network handle it? Is this real life?
I also considered to some extent what the iPhone on Verizon would mean for Android. My thoughts at the time were that it was unlikely to have a long-term effect on the viability or strength of the platform.
Now that we know LTE Android phones are launching in a similar time frame to the new CDMA iPhone 4 and that a 4G Phone is now quite a bit a ways away, I’m much more confident that Android will continue to offer compelling technology advancements that will allow it to differentiate from iPhone as a cutting-edge smartphone platform, as well as maintain if not exceed its share that it established in 2010.