Dr Mark Dean, who was one of a dozen men to pioneer the first IBM PC - released exactly 30 years ago today - believes that the tablet is the tool of today, but not necessarily tomorrow.
You've heard it before. "It's not you it's me." "We've grown apart." "Looking at long-term company growth I don't think staying together will help increase our net profits," and so on. Sadly, when it comes to big tech companies splitting, it can't just be as simple as a Facebook relationship status change. And usually in these situations, the portion of the company that is left on the curb is usually the piece that's burning the most money, namely the R&D department.
Been hearing that for years. Remember Larry Ellison?
How good are you at building formulas into a spreadsheet and cruching data on your Ipad? The computer industry is great at repackaging and have done it for 50 years. Example: the current hot topic is cloud sercvices. IBM did the same thing with mainframes 25 or more years ago. The next Hot technology is the next fad. Centralization vs decentralization is another example.