Has anyone else noticed that the Preview function isn't working when posting on TMF?
Since our Managers have only limited permissions, we may need Barney's assistance to fix this issue.
Likely, this was caused by an update to code on the site and will take them to sort -it-out. It has happened before!
Where's the money, Lebowski?
I'm not blaming anybody -- just reporting the problem.
I'm sure we can blame someone...how about ActiveBoard?
Who's Perfect???
Preview function is still inoperative -- wondering when they're gonna fix it??
Preview function still isn't functional here.
See attachment :
Yeah -- that Preview is working here too -- the Preview that isn't working is the one you use before you submit a post.
The functional function of the preview function...is out-of-function...functionally!
Yep -- definitely a disfunctional functionality!
The Preview Function is again working as of today.